Journeys away from home offer us the opportunity to step away from the humdrum of our everyday lives, and as we step away, we begin to be able to untangle ourselves from the energy of the more challenging situations going on around us. We begin to see things with more clarity and understanding; new solutions come into play as we start to see what is actually going on.
I especially find overseas travel even more powerful as we are offered the opportunity for our own spiritual growth. We are able to see the situations we are in through a clearer lens as we step away from the energy of them and we are gifted the opportunity for personal development. I have just returned from the most magical trip to the UK, the last two visits having been challenging, so it was wonderful to have such a positive trip on this occasion.
One of the highlights was the true delight of finally meeting my sister, but altogether there were many moments of love, laughter and joy as I raced around the country catching up with friends and family. I also had the pleasure of working with some of my UK clients in person too.
My understanding is that all of our relationships offer us the opportunity for personal growth. Our job is to be open to the lessons on offer to us whilst being aware that it is not our business as to the lessons that we offer others, and it is most certainly not our place to force these learnings on another: we are each master of our own fate and they of theirs. Our human relationships can bring us much joy but they can also be challenging.
Two such learnings were presented to me on this trip, both of which were personally challenging, but I particularly wanted to share one of them with you, and I have chosen to share what I wrote in my journal at the time rather than re-writing it for the purposes of my newsletter. The other, harder lesson, has taken me more time to process. It has taken more time for the initial emotions to move through me and I am still within that processing phase, but I hope to share more with you in the future.
My Journal Extract
I’m writing this in the beautifully peaceful garden of a dear friend. I am extremely lucky to be in the Cotswolds as I am on my annual whistle-stop tour of catching up with various wonderful friends. My last two visits to the UK have been challenging, and this trip has certainly had its moments, but I have grown and as new trials and tribulations appear I am finding it easier to sit with my emotions and allow the lessons to show themselves to me.
I, personally, find overseas travel gives each of us the opportunity to go through an energetic shift. As we step away from our everyday lives, we begin to have the clarity as to how to move forwards in positive ways. I’m aware that some things at home need to change for me and as I chat with dear trusted friends, I am gaining new insights and new clarities – but I am also experiencing some difficulties around past issues and relationships here in the UK.
One of my greatest friends and I had a misunderstanding about two years ago and since then it has impacted on the quality of our friendship. During this trip, we are both personally in a better space, so we have finally been able to be totally honest with one another, explaining from each of our personal perspectives what we believe happened and how we felt at the time and have been feeling since.
I cannot begin to tell you how light I now feel, understanding how I upset my beautiful friend and being able to fully apologise in person while also being able to explain my hurts and misgivings about the situation. It turns out that both of us had reached out to the other at different times, but we hadn’t been ready to speak openly and honestly; to hold space for one another as we spoke.
A weight has been lifted as I dreaded losing my friend forever and I now feel that we are once again back on track. We have known each other for over 40 years and have had many wonderful experiences together. . . here’s to many more to come! While I am still processing the other experience, which has proven to be a little trickier, I am beginning to make sense of it all, gaining greater clarity, and I am learning to have stronger boundaries as to what is and is not acceptable within my personal relationships. Learning to say “No” rather than allowing myself to be hurt in order to please another to the detriment of myself and my feelings. So, a little bit of self-care, self-love and learning to be gentle with myself as I so often suggest to my wonderful clients!
I hope that what I have shared with you gives you the opportunity to look at any challenging relationships in a new light and that it helps you to move through your own obstacles within your personal relationships in order for you to gain the learnings and let go of any misunderstandings, pains and hurts.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions or if you’d like my support. I’d love to assist you on your healing journey and guide you through empowering meditations as you connect ever more deeply into who you truly are. I love holding space for each and every one of you. Contact me on +61 4 2451 8884 or email
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash