Healing is one of the most effective ways of releasing old emotions stored within the physical body.
Healing is a natural, non-invasive, holistic treatment that promotes self-healing and helps restore balance and harmony in mind, body and spirit. It has the ability to re-energise and relax, and deal with illness or injury, physically and emotionally. No faith or belief is needed, only an openness to the healing energy.
Healing enables us to become more centred and grounded, improving general health and well-being. This in turn encourages motivation and self-confidence in all aspects of our daily lives. Pippa’s approach to healing is heart-centred, working on a soul level.
We are all entitled to live our best life. However, we could all use a little help every once in a while, to help us do just that. Pippa’s passion is to bring about your physical, emotional and mental well-being and to assist you in being the very best version of yourself as you release old stories, beliefs, old pains and hurts held in your physical body.