Pippa’s blog

Welcome to my blog page. Here I share with you my thoughts and feelings on topics relating to healing and meditation that are close to my heart. Hopefully that are informative and helpful to you.

Making Peace

Making Peace

Journeys away from home offer us the opportunity to step away from the humdrum of our everyday lives, and as we step away, we begin to be able to untangle…
Miracles do happen

Miracles Do Happen!

The most magical thing happened to me recently and I’m so excited to be sharing it with you! I have known for over 40 years that I have a half-sister…
Leaning into trust

Leaning Into Trust

Trust is a big issue for many of us, and certainly, many of my clients have been taught early in life not to trust themselves. In our collective societies, we…
Divine Feminine Energies

Embracing Our Divine Feminine Energies

We have been living now for thousands of years in a patriarchal society, but things are changing. For many of us these changes are scary because old, outdated structures are…
Spiritual Awakening

The Three Levels of Spiritual Awakening

The Three Levels of Spiritual Awakening I can hardly believe that I have been on this planet for 60 years! I definitely don’t feel old enough for it to be…

The Energies of 2024

(2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8) Numerology is the ancient science of the meaning of numbers and as we move into 2024, (2 + 0 + 2…
Releasing old emotions

Releasing Old Emotions

Most of us have been taught to ignore and squash down our feelings to the point that many of us are so numb that we have no idea how to…
Exchanging Energy: Giving and Receiving

Exchanging Energy: Giving and Receiving

Have you noticed how some people drain you and others invigorate you? Whether you have consciously noticed it or not, it is all about an exchange of energy and the…

Book your in-person or online meditation session

For more information or to book an appointment please call Pippa on +61 4 2451 8884 or get in touch online.