Unlocking The Heart’s Innate Wisdom

Our heart is more than just a pump – so much more!

Through the experiences we encounter during our life’s journey, we place layer after layer of protection around our heart centres. We generally fail to understand that each of these layers holds within it all of our old pains and hurts, which in turn creates the tendency to draw the same lessons to us again and again.

As we learn to open up and to acknowledge the feelings that we have spent lifetimes trying to avoid, only then are we able to let go of these outdated, outmoded methods of protection and only at that point do these pains and hurts fall away. We are able to heal lingering wounds and traumas still held within our energy system. We let go of limiting beliefs and learnt behaviours that no longer serve us, bringing new ways of being into play as we open our hearts. We begin to attract what we do want rather than what we don’t want into our lives.

Removing the Layers and Breaking Down Barriers

A large part of my work is in assisting my clients to let go of these outdated layers, enabling the heart space – the heart centre – to soften and open, to release and expand. Through lifetimes of conditioning, we generally believe that these layers of protection will save us from getting hurt but in truth, each layer traps the pains and hurts that we have experienced within our heart space and each can be triggered in any given moment. As we learn to break down these barriers, to soften and open our hearts and dissolve what we’ve been holding on to, the heart centre begins to expand into the beautiful energies of unconditional love. We begin to learn once again to reconnect into our own innate wisdom. It is a magical process of growth and expansion and one not to be missed.

While our heart centre is closed and protected we are locked within the boundaries of the brain’s thinking and the ego, but as we heal our hearts and learn to tune into and trust the wisdom it holds, we find our way home to love. Life can be uncomfortable and messy but as we learn to let our feelings move through us and understand how to tune into our emotions, the journey becomes easier. We begin to see life’s challenges as beautiful gifts of growth, of self-discovery and self-awareness. The more we tune into our heart space through those challenging times, we begin to hear the whispers of our soul and we find the answers within… life begins to flow more freely.

The Magic of Opening Our Hearts

Did you know that the heart begins to form in the fourth week of foetal development while the brain only in the third trimester? We can measure our heart state and our brain waves, and the heart wins, being measured about a one metre diameter around us, and our brain waves at only about three centimetres. However, as we deepen and strengthen our connection to our heart space, we can learn to expand that space out into the universe. We yearn for heart connection and yet we have forgotten how to connect with the love within, to who we truly are.

For many of us, life is a journey of self-discovery and as we learn to love ourselves and come home to self, life begins to flow with more grace and ease. As we learn to open our hearts we are able to shift patterns of energy; this has a profound impact on how we see ourselves and on how we tune into others and into the world around us. The heart has access to a field of information outside time and space; it is what I call our own divine heart wisdom: it is our spirit, our soul, our Higher Self. Essentially, it is a deeper source of intelligence. Here lies a creative energy beyond your imagination and as you learn to trust who you truly are, who you came here to be in this lifetime, as you deepen and strengthen your connection to your true self, life begins to flow in the most magical ways.

As we learn to tune into and unlock this heart-held wisdom and as we learn to trust it, we begin to strengthen and increase our intuition, navigating life with greater ease. Through various guided meditations and during one-to-one healing sessions, I guide my clients through heart-opening visualisations, assisting them in softening, opening, healing and expanding their heart space. As they learn to dive ever deeper into their own innate wisdom and connect to the light of their soul deep within, they learn to radiate this energy, this light, this resonance, outwardly, and they feel and know how amazing they truly are.

Synchronising and Connection

When you truly connect into your heart space, deep within, you connect to everything in existence. You learn to connect to the coherence of your heart’s rhythm and to its wisdom. Step by step, you can begin to fine tune your intuitive abilities, connecting to your knowing rather than your seeing sense. And beautifully, as we tune into our heart space and as we connect to a common field, our individual heart rhythms begin to synchronise together.

What we radiate out matters and we can choose to synchronise our hearts. Some of you may already be aware of the Global Movement of Love, which is held in cyberspace. It is a meditation held at noon every day in order to bring more love and peace into the world. They simply suggest that you meditate for 3-5 minutes at noon each day, focusing on love and peace. If you’d like to know more, simply visit www.globalmomentoflove.com

We need to be aware of what we are projecting out into the field – our thoughts, our words and our actions – because what we put out, we also draw to us. Take some time to focus on appreciation, compassion, gratitude and joy and allow these qualities to flow back to you.

Healing and meditation are wonderful tools in assisting you to soften, open and expand your heart space, helping you to learn to know yourself on a soul level. As you begin to understand how to connect to the coherence of your own heart, to the essence of who you truly are, you begin to shine your light out into the world. I invite you to connect ever more fully to your authentic self; connect deep within and give yourself permission to live your best life. Live it for you!

I hope that what I have shared with you helps you and makes you want to know yourself at the level of your beautiful, wise and shining heart and that it helps you to navigate through your daily life with grace and ease.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or if you’d like my support. I’d love to assist you on your healing journey and guide you through empowering meditations as you connect ever more deeply into who you truly are. I love holding space for each and every one of you. Contact me on +61 4 2451 8884 or email hello@pippaneve.com.

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